How to Start Dieting Again After Binge Eating Disorder

Confession time: I however binge sometimes. It sucks.

And it sucks fifty-fifty more lately because I feel like someone who teaches others how to stop binge eating can't be a rampage eater herself!

"I can't be doing this. Information technology's my freakin task to not practice this!"my mind shrieks.

Sheesh. Talk almost a double-whammy of shame.

Today I'd similar to share why my latest long-term rampage happened and how I got through itunlike any rampage before.

I hope you discover information technology helpful if you struggle with rampage eating as well.

Let's commencement from the get-go.

My "gradual binge bender" of 2018

Well-nigh 3 weeks agone, I went on agradual binge bender, which is my term for overeating a niggling each day for a long period of time. This one lasted nigh two weeks.

My gradual binge bender led to some weight gain, some bloat, anda lot of panic.

This is the first time that a long-term binge has happened since I gave up dieting dorsum in 2016, and so panic-mode was fully engaged.

I was struggling with feeling like a fraud and other heavy emotions around my behavior.

When you lot couple my shame with the feelings that I was already not feeling (considering that's what every binge stems from: uncomfortable feelings that y'all're trying to numb), I was nearly to face a wholemountain of hurting.


But this is what I signed upwardly for, correct? Feeling your feelings is the bedrock of Psycho-Spiritual Health, so yeah, this is EXACTLY what I signed up for.

Knowing how to stop binge eating, but not doing it

When I started the binge bough, I was hyper aware of what was happening, then I busted out my tools.

Equally you know, the Stop, Drib, and Feel (SDF) is my favorite method for stopping a binge in its tracks.

It simply involves getting curious about your feelings when yous're on a binge, and choosing to feel those feelings instead of numbing with food.

This is my favorite tool because it works! I've had countless people transport emails telling me and so. And I don't say that to brag, but to encourage you to actually effort it, because information technology sounds weird simply that's why it works!

Hither'south a video on how information technology works:

Sometimes the discomfort is too high to be willing to feel your pain, though. This was my case these last few weeks.

I had just moved into a new apartment that had more than quirks than I hoped; sustained a knee injury that kept me from my favorite things (like surfing!); and felt stuck with a heavy case of loneliness.

Enter: food.

Equally the binges slowly started happening, I was aware of it. Simply I couldn't stop. Many of us know this equally being in awareness hell.

Each time I ate past fullness, I knew it was considering I wasthen freaking uncomfortable that I was seeking condolement (and distraction) from nutrient.

And I couldn't stop, it seemed.

When you panic and consider going back to dieting

I knew it was my feelings that were driving the binges. I knew that I but needed to sit with the discomfort instead of eating.

Simply my brain was saying one thing and my body was doing some other. The pain was just too high. I kept eating.

And once I kept it up long enough to see my pants plumbing equipment tighter and my face up getting rounder, I became completely panicked and considered restricting my nutrition…

Nutrition mentality came in full swing:"Maybe I should just swallow keto for a few days. That always helps me get rid of bloat and shed weight chop-chop. That's not a diet. That's but healthy, right?"(This isn't true, by the way. Whatever brake is nonetheless a nutrition to me.)

Something was different this time, though. Instead of getting seduced by the control of dieting, I decided to examination my strength.

Rolling up my sleeves, and practicing what I preach

Equally I trudged through the heavy sludge of emotion, I tried my hardest to stay committed to not dieting, since I know that dieting ever leads to binges. (This is a pillar of Psycho-Spiritual Wellness.)

To remind myself of why I started this journey, I wrote this letter to myself (and anyone else thinking about dieting again) to stay focused. And I skilful the SDFa lot.

I spent the last few weeks with big chunks of lonely fourth dimension, only lying on my bed and letting my emotions wash over me. For long stretches each afternoon, information technology was just me and my inner dragons, going confront-to-face.

And you know what happened? I didn't die similar I idea I would. And I don't even feel dramatic about saying that considering we eat the way we eat for life-saving reasons.

And don't become me wrong:I felt similar grime. No one likes feeling lone or ashamed, merely I made the selection to feel those feelings instead of numbing them; to open up instead of close; to grow instead of recoil.

And I survived. And most chiefly, the binges ended and my weight is starting to normalize and I did the whole thing without resorting to dieting.

[Since everyone is afraid that not dieting will lead to weight gain, I will update this post if my weight goes back to where it was earlier this — and I'm confident it will, without dieting.

Update 7/29/eighteen: It worked. It took about two weeks for my weight to normalize, which was really much faster than I thought! I am back into my regular clothes, and I got here without dieting. If I tin can exercise information technology, you can besides!!!]

This was a HUGE win since, every fourth dimension that I take panicked about bingeing in the past, I answered my panic with restriction.

This time was different. Why?

I stopped binge eating by developing "grit"

As I've practiced the SDF for the last couple years (with extra diligence the last 6 months) I've rewired my brain to develop what I call "emotional tolerance."

Emotional tolerance involves your willingness to be uncomfortable without getting swept away by it. In Positive Psychology, they refer to information technology asgrit.

Some synonyms for dust are: backbone, bravery, backbone, force of character, toughness, determination, tenacity, and endurance.

Aw, yeah. That soundsbadass, and I feel badass. Information technology took so much difficult work to develop this trait! And information technology'southward not a one-and-done thing. Information technology'due south a decision I have to brand on a regular basis to choose to confront my inner dragons instead of protecting myself with (the false illusion of safety that comes with) a nutrition.

Whatever you repeatedly practise is what your encephalon gets good at. We are all working against our brain's fundamental seek-pleasure-avoid-pain wiring. It takes mega effort to feel your pain instead of reaching for pleasurable foods.

Fortunately, you exercise take command over what your brain is good with. And we can become emotionally tolerance the more we exercise the Terminate, Drop, and Experience. (Instead of becoming trapped in the yo-yo dieting cycle where the but skill we're practicing is restriction.)(

By training in feeling uncomfortable, I got better at feeling uncomfortable. Sounds weird, simply also makes perfect sense! And isn't this a relief?

It means you lot don't need to be born with tough pare to develop grit. You don't need to be raised by a military family to be a badass.

You can build grit from scratch with your very own hands. The SDF is perfect for this.

My Lesson & Message for Y'all

Here's a short and sugariness summary of my feel:

Giving up dieting was one of the best decisions of my life.

Choosing to feel awful instead of reaching for food is a decision that I have to make on a daily ground.

They are both actually skilful decision.

They aid me stay sane around food and bounciness dorsum from binges much quicker, without falling into the restrict-rampage-restrict-binge pattern.

If yous'd similar to learn more near this unique approach to stop overeating, take hold of my free ebook beneath that explains more almost Psycho-Spiritual Health:

Keep It Going: Become the Spiritual Seeker's Guide to Stop Binge Eating (Costless Ebook)

cover of ebook on Psycho-Spiritual Wellness

Desire more insight into the psychology and spirituality of eating?

The Spiritual Seeker's Guide to Terminate Binge Eating will show you even more insight into the subconscious reasons why nosotros eat. (It's a costless 13-page PDF.)

When you sign up, y'all'll also go a free five-function crash class in Psycho-Spiritual Wellness to catch you up to speed. It'south practiced stuff. Sign upwards below:

Keep It Going MORE: Quiz Time!

Even if you struggle with overeating, I bet I tin guess your forcefulness effectually food. (Yeah, Force)

Have the quiz below to discover your eating psychology forcefulness. Even if you think food is your weakness, but requite the quiz a chance.

There's a FREE 5-solar day grade on Psycho-Spiritual Wellness that you tin can get if you submit your email at the terminate. Submitting your electronic mail is completely optional. I never spam, and I hate quizzes that strength y'all to!

My gratuitous crash course is really good stuff, then if you're interested, give me your good email ;) you know the one I'm talking about.

Keep It Going Large Time: Principal Your Eating Psychology

Come Run across My Brand New Workbook on Stopping Sugar Addiction

You've scrolled really far, and that ways you lot like my psychology-based approach to stopping overeating (formally called Psycho-Spiritual Wellness).

This fall I just released a make new workbook that'south perfect for beginners. It's chosen Stopping Sugar Addiction the Psycho-Spiritual Style. Whether you struggle with sweets or overeating in full general, this workbook provides all the tools organized beautifully for y'all in ane unproblematic place.

This workbook helps y'all work WITH your psychology — not against it — to help ease saccharide cravings. It contains 81 pages of manufactures, worksheets, and flow charts, and ohhhh the flow charts are my favorite function! I know you'll beloved the crystal clarity you lot feel when y'all use them.

And at present that yous've scrolled this far, I promise yous'll get out a comment! I read them all and do my all-time to reply to every single i. Thanks for reading to the stop my friend!


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