Video Feed of Santa Rosa Fire

Use the interactive map below to monitor evacuations in Sonoma County. Click on the red arrows to see the view from Cal Fire cameras. If you have trouble viewing this map, CLICK HERE. For a list of evacuation shelters CLICK HERE.

Science & Health News

November 01, 2021

Science for Kids and Families

Peer into the world of wildlife with Critter Cam and learn from the host Tracey Simmons as they explore and explain wildlife facts of all sorts of creatures from butterflies and bobcats to owls and otters. WATCH VIDEOS

October 11, 2021

Brightline Defense Air Quality

Executive Director Eddie Ahn of Brightline Defense is a passionate advocate for the underserved of San Francisco. We climb up to the roof with he and his team as they install an air quality sensor near a busy City freeway interchange so that it can start monitoring pollution there. Data collected…

September 30, 2021

Silicon Valley Water Purification Plant

Valley Water Board Chair Tony Estremera proclaims: "In Silicon Valley, we believe in science!" Based on this, authorities have made a bold plan for the near future: to reclaim wastewater, purify it, and inject it into underground aquifers.

April 28, 2021

Science for Kids and Families

Coyotes are wild animals that are fun to watch, but good to give plenty of space. Critter Cam host Tracey Simmons explains. Other videos explore river otters, black tailed deer, butterflies, and mountain lions. WATCH VIDEOS

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December 06, 2020

Coronavirus Is Surging: How Severe Is Your State's Outbreak?

More than 14 million people in the U.S. have had confirmed coronavirus infections and more than 350,000 have died of COVID-19. Tens of thousands of new cases are reported daily nationwide. In these graphics, explore the trends in your state. NPR regularly updates this page with new information…


800px Wildfire California Santa Clarita


Hillside burning on Calistoga and Badger road


Gavin Newsom by Gage Skidmore

Geyser Peak

Fire Cam

Imperial County Superior Courthouse El Centro Night

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Coronavirus Resources

May 14, 2021

Help Us Investigate PG&E's Power Lines

California's public radio stations are investigating the safety of Pacific Gas & Electric Company's power lines ahead of wildfire season. We want your help. Email pictures of the lines in your area to Pacific Gas and Electric Company has sparked some of the state's deadliest…

April 22, 2021

Residents react to the Chauvin verdict

Photo of a Black Lives Matter Protest in 2020. (Photo by Adia White)Santa Rosa Jr. College student and activist Caitie Ferro cried when she first heard the news that Derek Chauvin was guilty of murder, and thought the dozens of marches she went to over the past year might have led to change. "All…

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April 20, 2020

Tips for Spotting Fake News Stories — And Where to Find Sources You Can Trust

Anytime there's a significant news event — like a global pandemic, for example — you can expect misinformation to spread across the Internet. "Fake news" means stories that contain fabricated information, or information that's based on rumor, shoddy methodology or a partisan agenda. With the…


April 17, 2020

Recursos Alimentarios Durante COVID-19

La alimentacion es una gran prioridad para muchos durante esta pandemia de COVID-19- cómo mantener a su familia alimentada en medio de despidos del trabajo, preocupaciones sobre salidas para conseguir comestibles y la posibilidad de transmisión por medio de los alimentos, todo mientras se trata de…


April 14, 2020

COVID-19: Food Resources

Food is top of mind for many during the COVID-19 pandemic — how to keep your family fed amid layoffs, concerns about grocery outings and food transmission, all while trying to maintain social distance. If you're struggling to put food on the table, have questions about food safety or need help…


April 10, 2020

COVID-19: Recursos Para Indocumentados y Sin Beneficios

English version available here. A medida que la pandemia de coronavirus da vuelta la economía de la nación y deja a muchos sin trabajo, los inmigrantes indocumentados son particularmente vulnerables. En esta página encontrará recursos para ayudar a los miembros de la comunidad indocumentados y que…

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Apr 03, 2020

COVID-19: How to Help

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to take lives and strain resources, you might be wondering how you can help. Perhaps the most important thing you…



Mar 31, 2020

Coronavirus Resources

The coronavirus pandemic has created new challenges for communities throughout the world. Whether you need help getting access to food, filing for…



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gavin schools




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